Evaluation Of Exclusive Distributor Agreements In Terms Of Competition Law
In this article, The Exclusive Distribution Agreement, which is frequently encountered in commercial life, is one of the most important agreements in terms of Competition Law, and is described as  a sui generis framework agreement in the doctrine within the scope of the Law of Obligations, has been written.
Adding Capital to Funds While Protecting Shareholders
If there are funds in the company's balance sheet that are allowed by the legislation to be added to the capital, capital increase cannot be made through capital commitment without adding these funds to the capital.
Recent Amendments In Mining, Renewable Energy, Natural Gas Market, And Energy Efficiency Legislation
The Law Numbered 7501 on Amendments to the Mining Law and Some Other Laws ("Law") was published in the Official Gazette Numbered 32543 on May 11, 2024.
Transfer Of Management Authority Of Board Of Directors In Joint Stock Companies
In this article, the scope, conditions of the validity, termination and consequences of the transfer of  the management authority of the board of directors in joint stock companies are written.
Personal Data Protection Law in Turkey has been harmonized with the GDPR in the European Union.
With the amendment made to the KVKK, regulations were introduced regarding the "conditions for processing special personal data", "transfer of personal data abroad" and "penalties specified in the law".
Does a Surety Bond Replace a Bank Letter Of Guarantee?
Insurance companies replace banks and meet their collateral needs by issuing surety bonds within the scope of surety insurance. So, do these surety bonds replace bank letters of guarantee? 
Element Of Authorization In Arbitration Agreements
In this article, both the  long duration of the proceedings in state courts and the jurisdictional element in arbitration agreements, which is frequently on the agenda especially in commercial relations with a foreign element, is examined.
Board Of Managers In Limited Liability Companies
The duties and powers of the board of managers authorized in the management and representation of the company in limited  liabiltycompanies and the relevant legal regulations are written in this article.
Most Recent Amendments To The Decree No. 8313 On The Determination Of Companies Subject To Independent Audit
On April 6, 2024, the Decree Amending the Decree numbered 8313 on the Determination of Companies Subject to Independent Audit was published in the Official Gazette dated April 6, 2024 and numbered 32512.